Category: News
Uh Oh, look what happened to physician who leaked Hillary’s secret medical records
Read More: Uh Oh, look what happened to physician who leaked Hillary’s secret medical recordsThe body count for the Clinton Crime Family continues to grow. The latest victim is the doctor who released Hillary’s medical records. Whatdoesitmean.com reported- By: Sorcha Faal, and as reported to her Western Subscribers The Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR) is reporting today that the continuing to grow list of mysterious deaths surrounding US presidential candidate…
Woah! Leaked documents show connection between Pope Francis and Soros
Read More: Woah! Leaked documents show connection between Pope Francis and SorosGeorge Soros foundation gave $650,000 to influence the pope. The Daily Caller reported: Open Society Foundations spent $650,000 in an effort to influence Pope Francis during his visit to the United States, a leaked document reveals. The document is an agenda for a May 2015 New York meeting of the U.S programs division of the…
Pope Francis Forbids Catholics From Voting for Hillary!
Read More: Pope Francis Forbids Catholics From Voting for Hillary!Cardinal Ratzinger, who became Pope Benedict XVI in 2005 and served through 2013, wrote a blistering letter in 2004 forbidding Catholics from voting for pro-abortion Hillary Clinton or anyone who espouses her ideas. The letter reads:The Church teaches that abortion or euthanasia is a grave sin. The Encyclical Letter Evangelium vitae, with reference to judicial…
CNN Anchor Says American Women Should Wear Islamic Hijab To Show ‘Solidarity’ With Muslims (VIDEO)
Read More: CNN Anchor Says American Women Should Wear Islamic Hijab To Show ‘Solidarity’ With Muslims (VIDEO)CNN is just losing its mind at this point. In a recent segment, CNN brought on a Muslim woman to talk about how she doesn’t “feel safe” wearing a hijab in public anymore because President-Elect Trump. So to show “solidarity,” CNN’s Alisyn Camerota says American women should all wear the hijab to show “solidarity” with Muslim…
NEW EMAIL shows Pentagon ASKED Hillary to LET THEM send help to Benghazi, proving Leon Panetta LIED!!
Read More: NEW EMAIL shows Pentagon ASKED Hillary to LET THEM send help to Benghazi, proving Leon Panetta LIED!!An email recently obtained by Judicial Watch shows that the Pentagon was demanding Hillary allow them to send help to Benghazi during the 2012 attack. This would completely contradict the claim from Hillary and Leon Panetta that no forces were available and within reach to provide help to the compound that was under siege. From Fox News:…
Denzel Washington Switches to Trump Shocks Hollywood-, Speaks Out Against Obama
Read More: Denzel Washington Switches to Trump Shocks Hollywood-, Speaks Out Against ObamaDenzel Washington Switches to Trump Shocks Hollywood-, Speaks Out Against Obama “We need more and more jobs. Unemployment is way up here,” he said. “He’s hired more employees, more people, than anyone I know in the world.” I believe in him first of all because he’s a businessman. I think jobs are badly needed. Hollywood…
Steven Seagal Wants Obama Impeached
Read More: Steven Seagal Wants Obama ImpeachedAmerican actor, screenwriter, martial artist, musician, reserve deputy sheriff, and producer, Steven Seagal, has held a small speech and called out for an impeachment of the current President of the U.S. Barack Obama. The 7th-dan black belt in Aikido, famous for martial arts action flicks such as Above the Law, and Under Siege recently appeared…